Earth Day Counseling Activities - These Earth Day SEL resources are perfect for morning meeting or to tie into your regularly scheduled counseling lessons! Use them for mindfulness activities as you enjoy the beauty of nature, responsibility lessons as you discuss being responsible for the earth, or cooperative activities as. your students work together to create acrostics! These Earth Day SEL activities are also great for early finishers or mindful moments in the classroom.
What's included:
- Lend a Hand
- Nature Rainbow
- EARTH Acrostic
- 7 Zen Doodle Earth Day Quotes
- 5 Color by Emoji Earth Day Pictures
How to Use These Resources:
- Lend a Hand (K-5): Students generate 5 ideas for ways they can “lend a hand” to or take care of the earth. Use this activity with a conservation lesson, a personal responsibility lesson, or for a morning meeting group discussion.
- Nature Rainbow (K-2): Use this for a mindfulness activity and go for a mindful nature walk! Encourage students to silently and mindfully enjoy a nature walk and notice the beauty in the world around them. When students return from their nature walk, they can draw things they saw in nature for each color of the rainbow.
- EARTH Acrostic (2-5): As a whole class, in small groups, or individually, students will create an acrostic to describe the things they love about the earth. This can be used for a cooperative or teamwork activity, an individual mindful reflection, or a morning meeting activity.
- 7 Zen Doodle Earth Day Quotes (3-5): These are perfect for mindful moments! Students can listen to calming music and mindfully color these Zen doodles while meditating on the quotes on the page. Afterward, have a discussion with the group around these questions: What do you think the person who said these words wanted us to think? feel? do? What feelings did you have while coloring this picture?
- 5 Color by Emoji Earth Day Pictures (K-2): Use these in centers or for early finisher activities to encourage emotional awareness! Students search for emojis in the picture and color based on the given code.
Please Note:
- There are no lesson plans included with these handouts.
- These materials are digitally downloadable. You will not receive anything in the mail.