Daily Behavior Goal Folder - Want a meaningful way to set and monitor behavior goals with your students? This folder is for you! Check in during the morning, use a morning greeting, identify feelings, and breathe. Then, set a behavior goal for the day and review what that target behavior looks and sounds like. Use the included punch cards to recognize behavior throughout the day. These behavior goal folders are perfect for checking in during the morning and reviewing goals in the afternoon.
Choose from 11 themes and 24 goals to make this folder perfect for your individual students. From rainbows and unicorns to baseballs and robots, there's something for all of your students here!
Digitally downloadable materials included:
- 11 folder themes: unicorn, baseball, basketball, football, robot, weather, boy, girl, dot dudes, superheroes (included with 2 options for morning greetings and in color or black/white)
- punch cards for 24 specific goals
- blank punch cards to add your own goals
- 24 goals with descriptions: what does this behavior goal look and sound like?
- reflection questions
What's so special about this folder? You can make a meaningful, customized folder for ALL of your students using this resource! With customizable themes and goals, there's something for everyone (no one-size-fits-all!). You can print and cut/glue your behavior goals in the folder or use this easy-to-use copy+paste+print option! Don't see the goal that you need? Use the editable goals to make what you need.
What goals are included?
- I can be a kind friend
- I can stay safe
- I can do my work
- I can say how I feel
- I can have a safe body
- I can use kind words
- I can respect my learning environment
- I can ask for a break
- I can respect personal space
- I can ask for help
- I can be a focused student
- I can give my best effort
- I can play nicely at recess
- I can speak at appropriate times
- I can make quick transitions
- I can manage strong emotions
- I can help my classroom community
- I can show respect
- I can take care of my materials
- I can follow directions
- I can be an attentive listener
- I can include others
- I can be a good sport
- I can be a team player