Recognizing Feelings Counseling Lesson: Emotions Body Clues SEL Activity
Build a Feeling Bundle: How Are You Feeling SEL Tools
Build a Feeling Fries: How Are You Feeling SEL Tool
Build a Feeling Pineapple: How Are You Feeling SEL Tool
Build a Feeling Pizza: How Are You Feeling SEL Tool
Build a Feeling Jellyfish: How Are You Feeling SEL Tool
Fall SEL Centers: Fall Counseling Activities for Classroom Counseling
I Feel Confused Counseling Activity: Confused Lesson for Kindergarten
Spring SEL Centers: Spring Counseling Activities for Classroom Counseling
Kindergarten Feelings Lessons: Feelings Counseling Lessons with Coping Skills
I Feel Frustrated Counseling Activity: Frustration Lesson for Kindergarten
I Feel Worried Counseling Activity: Worry Lesson for Kindergarten Counseling
I Feel Sad Counseling Activity: Sadness Lesson for Kindergarten Counseling
Winter Color by Feeling Activity: Identify Feelings Color by Emoji Counseling
Managing Anger Digital Activity for Google Classroom Distance Learning
Coping Skills Digital Activity for Google Classroom Distance Learning
Fall Feelings Digital Activity Distance Learning for School Counseling
School Counseling Check In Digital Activity Distance Learning
Anger Workbook for Kids: Keeping My Cool with Anger Management Strategies
Calm Corner Digital Activity for SEL Distance Learning: Coping Skills Activities
Color by Coping Skills Halloween Counseling Activity
Feelings and Calming Strategies Poster, Cards, & Desk Labels for Calm Corner
Daily Goal Folder: Set Behavior Goals
Kindergarten Social Skills Activities: Social Skills Group Counseling Lessons