Friendship Social Skills Group Counseling Program

  • $15.00


This low-prep 10-session friendship social skills elementary school counseling small group counseling program aims to empower students to maintain positive friendships by teaching key friendship social skills such as conversation skills, listening skills, playing fair, accepting others, conflict resolution, and more!

What's included: This curriculum includes student self-assessments, teacher assessment, objectives assessment checklist, 10 easy to follow lesson plans (objectives, outline, materials list, ASCA standards alignment), visual aids, sea of friends poems and printables, fun craft activities, all necessary handouts, teacher nomination forms, parental consent form, counselor passes, student reminder bracelets, and optional student workbook. Sessions include:

Session topics:
⭐Session 1: Introduction
⭐Session 2: Conversational turn-taking and filtering
⭐Session 3: Listening skills
⭐Session 4: Playing fair
⭐Session 5: Being a good winner/good loser
⭐Session 6: Expressing feelings and needs
⭐Session 7: Accepting others
⭐Session 8: Conflict resolution
⭐Session 9: Caring about others
⭐Session 10: Termination

Please note: this is a digitally downloadable curriculum licensed for one counselor only. If more than one counselor wants to use this curriculum, multiple licenses are required. It is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to email this curriculum, post it on the internet, post it on Google Drive (TM) or other shared drives for others to use.