Self Esteem Folder Game for Elementary School Counseling

  • $4.00

Looking for a fun, self-esteem building game to play with your students but don't have room to store lots of bulky games? Try a folder game! This folder game promotes self-esteem by harnessing the power of the knight's helpers! Students use their sword, shield, jester, and dragon to get themselves out of the well and into the castle: a place where they feel safe to love themselves for who they are! Simply open your folder and let the fun begin! Your students will love this fantasy-themed self esteem game!

Includes game board cover, game instructions, pre-teaching visual aids, game board, game pieces, game die or spinner, game cards, and student reflection workbook.

Copyright © Counselor Keri, Keri Powers Pye. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. See product file for clip-art and font credits.