Perspective Taking Classroom Guidance Lesson: Empathy & Understanding

  • $3.00


How are others feeling? - How can we figure out how other people are feeling? Why is it even important to do this? In this classroom guidance lesson, students will consider how others are feeling. Read the included PPT story book to introduce perspective taking and empathy. Students will practice identifying emotions in others with the included clip cards for small group practice. Wrap up the lesson with a breathing exercise for a calming classroom activity! This lesson is perfect for Kindergarten through second grade classroom guidance lessons.


Digital downloads included:

  • Detailed lesson plan with objective, outline, materials list, ASCA standards alignment, and suggested data collection
  • PPT story book
  • 16 scenario clip cards (with and without written scenarios, included in color & b/w)
  • Printable for closing activity breathing exercise


Guess What! This activity is lesson 5 in a self regulation unit for little learners. Get the whole, comprehensive unit here.