Middle School Counseling Classroom Guidance Lessons Bundle

  • $93.00

Middle School Counseling Activities: Looking for classroom counseling lessons for your middle schoolers? These activities are perfect for your adolescents and tweens to explore things like total wellness, SMART goals, growth mindset, stress management, conflict resolution, mindfulness, bullying prevention, and so much more. This middle school counseling curriculum is a growing bundle, which means new lessons will be added all summer long.


What's included now?

 Meet the Counselor Classroom Guidance Lesson

 What is Stress Classroom Guidance Lesson on Stress Response System

• Stress Activity: Stress Self Assessment Classroom Guidance Lesson Stress Levels

• Social Supports Lesson: Circle of Support Activity for Stress Management

• Stress Management Activity: Stress Management Strategies Escape Room

• Stress Management Centers: Activities to Manage Stress

• Organization Activity: Getting Organized Classroom Guidance Lesson

• Conflict Resolution Activity: Resolving Conflicts Classroom Guidance Lesson

• Gratitude Activity: The Gratitude Game Classroom Guidance Lesson

• Wellness Triangle Classroom Guidance Lessons: Healthy Lifestyle Activities

• Growth Mindset Escape Room: Growth Mindset Activity for School Counseling

• Depression and Anxiety Classroom Guidance Lesson Activities

• Bullying Prevention Escape Room: Bullying Activity for School Counseling

• Bullying Centers: Bullying Review Activities for Counseling Guidance Lesson

• Dealing With Bullying Classroom Guidance Lesson for School Counseling

• What is Bullying Classroom Guidance Lesson for School Counseling

• SMART Goals Classroom Guidance Lesson

• Vaping Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes Classroom Guidance Lesson

 Growth Mindset Classroom Guidance Lesson

• All About the Brain

• Cognitive Distortions

• Healthy Relationships

• Mindfulness (2 lessons)

• Dealing with Drama

• Mental Health

• Leadership Qualities

• Problem Solving Skills


What's coming? Lessons on:

•Self Esteem

•Test Prep

•End of the Year/Transitions


What will I get when I download? You will receive one PDF file. On this PDF, there is a link to click and access a Google Drive folder. The folder will be constantly updated as new lessons are added to the bundle. Please click the link in this PDF to access the files.

What if I already bought some of these lessons? You will be refunded for duplicate purchases! Please contact me after you purchase the bundle, and I will be happy to refund you for the single lessons you have already purchased.

Please note: this is a digitally downloadable curriculum licensed for one counselor only. If more than one counselor wants to use this curriculum, multiple licenses are required. It is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to email this curriculum, post it on the internet, post it on Google Drive (TM) or other shared drives for others to use.