Feelings Activity: Talking About Feelings Classroom Guidance Lesson

  • $2.00

In this school counseling classroom guidance lesson, students will explore their emotional vocabulary and practice sharing feelings with their peers in a fun feelings activity. During a warm-up activity, students will sort emotion faces into categories of their choosing and discuss the emotions shown. Then, as a whole group, students will be challenged to generate as many emotion words as possible in a movement-based activity. Finally, in small groups, students will place a dice game to share emotions and personal experiences from specific locations. This resource also includes a page for interactive notebook inclusion.


What's included:

  • Detailed, scripted lesson plan (objective, outline, materials list, ASCA standards alignment, suggested data collection, and interactive notebook elements)
  • Pre-test/post-test
  • Warm-up activity printables (color and black/white)
  • Game printables (color and black/white)
  • Interactive notebook page elements

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